fredag 7. februar 2014

KING CHARLES SPANIEL-digital painting

                       Hi folks:)

                      This week`s piece is naaaaaw;) I love dogs. And I have wanted to draw a King
                      Charles Spaniel  for some time now-decided it was time I did it.

                      So I just made some very fast digital sketches- by the way, when you draw dogs
                      remember that you can use a "hair brush" if you already perhaps have a hair
                      brush in Photoshop that you use to draw humans with-
                      or you can dowload own fur brushes. Search on deviant art is my tip.
                      Many good, clever people have made free brushes that you can download
                     and use-but be aware-some may want you to credit them.

                    I actually just use
                     Round Point Stiff brush, the one that is already in the Photoshop CS5 pack
                    for drawing the outlines, and then just use the Hard round brush, afterwards to
                    just fill in the right colour underneath( Example: A dog`s fur is not just three colours.
                   You can use just three colours if you want that`s OK, but it is important to remember
                  the rules of higlights also when you draw fur.)

                  ..and then I use the Smudge Tool (be aware! the brush that you used before
                   the Smudge Tool will take-so if you want pointy edges-use the Round Point Stiff Brush.
                  If you want soft edges-use the Soft round brush.)

                  Also remember dogs have different kind of eyes-just like humans;)
                  Some dogs have really protruding eyes, some have round eyes-many dogs have
                  eyes that seem just black but remember you can add a little white and blue and them
                 to make them seem more vivid. Also, be really critical to yourself when it comes to the fur.
                Here the fur was supposed to be really smooth and silky.

                 I added a bit of light to the tongue afterwards-the effect was that now she
                looks like she`s begging for a treat hehe;)

                Have a good weekend, and be kind to your little furry ones.


1 kommentar:

  1. What a cutie! Like the way you made the balance in this illustration. The leafs helped much, especially with the colors on them. Keep it up :)
