lørdag 1. november 2014

Drawing Eyes-A complete tutorial! -Eyeshapes and eyelids

                      Hey guys-
                      As promised, I have made a post just about how to draw eyes!
                      Now, the first I would like to mention is that practice makes perfect.
                      Practise on people you know, and celebrities.

                      A trick I always use when I'm going to draw something is to think of
                      a celebrity or someone I know-let's say OK, I want to draw someone with
                      sexy smokey cat eyes. Examples of celebrites can be
                      Renee Zellweger (before the plastic surgery) Taylor Swift and
                    Laura Prepon from "That  70's Show" and " Orange is the new Black."


But to achive this, we have to learn the correct anatomy. Every person has their
own charesteristics, but let's say there are 5 types of eyelids and eyesocket-this goes for 
both men and women. I will get to the difference between male and female eyes in a bit.

I like real-life examples, So let's say one example for Hidden in the eyesocket was Renee Zellweger.
Laura Prepon has beautiful narrow eyes, which also goes a bit under that category.Both of them also has a bit of number four-almost no visible eyelids,but its important to remember that this also depends on the light and the facial expression that you are going to draw. Also, remember
that a person with small and narrow eyes will not have very large eyelashes. You can fake everything
with make-up, but if the person you are going to draw has very narrow eyes they will most likely
not have very large eyelids, and will have to use a lot of mascara to achive great eyelashes.

I will advice you to be careful when you draw narrow eyes. 

An example of high upper eyelid I think is Susan Sarandon.
Having a bit of protruding eyes does not neccecarily mean eyes like that woman from The Shining,
but sometimes people with those kind of eyes can look a bit naive.
Worth thinking of if you're going to create a character!;)

The banana I actually thought of myself,haha-but when you're a beginner you are always taught that
the eye is like a almond. If you find another type of fruit that reminds you of the shape,that's up to you;)  Just remember that narrow eyes are less round and they will not look so "awake" as a round or almond shaped eye-exept when the person is laughing, then both will have that look you get when you're laughing so hard that you're eyes are almost or completely closed.

A good practice will be to sketch models, people you know or scenes from movies. Notice that 
when a person laughs, the eyebrows will point slitghtly up. If you're going to do a realistic thrtrait,that is.;)

You will also get those smiling wrinkes in the corner of your eyes when you're laughing really hard,but go easy on the wrinkes the younger the person is. However,even Angelina Jolie has eye-wrinkles, you just have to be careful when you draw.

This should be pretty easy to follow, but I will cover hooded eyes and asian eyes 
a bit more.  Hooded eyes means that you have a bit of skin hanging over your eyes,which will
give them a bit of a sad look. People with these kinds of eyes can also have an almond eye-shape.

It is like body types; most people are not "just" an apple or a pear-figure.Often you will
be a combination. The same rule goes for eyes, also asian eyes. 

Asian eyes:

Important to remember that the difference between asian and chinese eyes and non-asian eyes
is that they have almost or no visible eyelids. This applies also for some none-asian eyes, but let's just call that the common drawing-rule. for asian eyes.

The most common eye colour in the world is brown, and the rarest is green-did you know that?;)

Anyway, play with shape and colour and you will achive amazing results!

OK! Now we have been through most of it, so at last,let's go through the difference betweeen

Male and female eyes.

The difference is simple; we have the same form of eye shapes, but most of the time-the exeptions I already mentioned with the narrow eyes;- A female eye will have a slithtly more rounded eye.

However, there is absolutely no rule that says a man can't have an almond eye shape.

Just remember that men often have a bit more thick,heavy and darker eyebrows.
Men also have eyelashes;) I think a good rule, male or female, is like I mentioned before
on the narrow eyes that you are very careful when you draw eyelashes. Some men have long eyelashes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they wear mascara;) The exeption of course is if you're going to draw a rock star with eyeliner. 

Most men-and women have the shortest and few eyelashes where the eye begins and
more heavy eyelashes near the end.It is better to draw careful and with few, short eyelashes, and
if you want a heavier look then you can go for it once you take a step back and see
how your drawing is going to look.

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