fredag 6. desember 2013

"ALL SHE EVER WANTED" Digital art,fanart+hair art tip

                       Hi guys,
                      and sorry about last week-
                      but no internet means -exactly-no blog!

                       But nevermind, this week`s piece was inspired by the novel
                       by Patrick Redmond-"All she ever wanted."

                      I love that book-It`s about a girl who experiences that her dad
                      which she loves more than anything in the word and leaves her with
                     a mom who hates her, and her class mates which bullies her.
                     But Tina finds out at an early age how anger can make her control
                     both her enemies and her mother-but what happens when you`re never
                     able to trust another person?

                     Tina in the book has gorgeous red hair so I wanted to make an illustration
                     which shows her when she is out on the town-
                     and also yes, the Jessica Rabbit look is intended;)

                        After the last blog, I got some requests on how I draw the hair
                        so I made a little                  
                        Hair tutorial:


                   1.Make a layer. Name it Outline.
                    Start with the Round Point Stiff brush-this is already in your Photoshop pack.
                    Draw some simple strokes.

                                       2. Use Hard Round Pressure Size. I usually make a layer under
                                           the one I just made.
                                            and experient a little-for this tutorial I use a brown colour-
                                           which is the most easy to look good.

3.For this, you need a good hairbrush.
Check out deviantart and youtube for hair-brushes.
I recommend 
stephanie valentin photoshop hair on youtube,
 but you can also make your own brush, but there are lots of good hair brushes
 you can download for free.I recommend you download a lot and
try out what works best for you.
Anyway, use the hair brush( you can also use
Round Blunt Medium Stiff which is already in the Photoshop pack,or

Round Fan Stiff Thin Bristles. Experience with it:)

So what you do is make a layer above, name it "darker hair"

4.Then make a new layer, name it "highlights"
 and go to colour picker and select a colour wich is a about to colours lighter that
the darkest one that you already picked.Careful! If you pick a colour that
is too bright it will not blend.Trust me.
Use the smudge tool to blend with.Again, be careful.

Use the smudge tool also to soften the edges of the hair.

Congrats, you should now have some lovely hair and
 you should never again have to settle
for a bad hair day(haha:P)

Have a good weekend folks!

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