fredag 13. desember 2013


                           Hi guys-
                           time goes waaay to fast, it will be Christmas soon!
                           This week`s piece is inspired by the series Sex & The City.
                          The teqhnicue is no mystery, just  painting & airbrushing in Photoshop,
                          and I also let myself be inspired by the dress Carrie used in the second movie-but
                          I used a bit brighter colours and blended it a bit more to make it look the
                         way I wanted.

                        I can not guarantee that it will be one more blog before Christmas, becouse
                        I`m currently working on a client mission plus my other job-but I will try;)

                       If you want me to make something I am still available for comissions but
                       my schedual is pretty buissy until january.

                       Have a good weekend!




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