søndag 24. november 2013

"PRECIOUS LITTLE ANGEL"-Illustrated Lyrics, Annie Lennox

                     Hi guys.
                    This is from the song "Precious" by Annie Lennox.
                     Love that song!

                   Also, I have to admit it makes me happy to see the views at my blog is
                   going a positive way-thank you,by the way.
                   It is good to see that there are art-interested people out there.
                  My target audience is mainly girls in all ages, but if guys also
                  want to see me draw something particular or if you want to hire me
                  to draw a christmas present for the wife-or of course if the wife wants me
                  to make something for your man-Well I will be happy to hear from you!

                 By the way if you forexample want this piece or other things you see
                 at this blog you like , please contact me
                 by email. You can reach me me at


               Have a good weekend:)

3 kommentarer:

  1. I am impressed of the hair! How did you draw it? Did you create a custom brush for it? I want to see the image larger :D

  2. Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.

  3. Thank you:)

    To view a lager version of the image:


    For the hair, I used a mix of the medium sized brush which is already in Photoshop
    and some brushes from my own stockm but I can`t explain it well enough here so I will create a tutorial later and post it here on the blog.:)
