søndag 29. september 2013

Laughing Happy Girl,digital drawing

                                                  Title: "Lauhing_Red", digital art,
                                                 painting and airbrushing

                                              Hi folks!
                                              I don`t know about you other artists, but sometimes there
                                              is just so many ideas in my head there is no time to get them
                                              all out. I could just draw and draw and draw.
                                              It is fun,though.

                                              I want to get better at and also show you guys more of what I can
                                             do at everyday life illustrations- so I will probably show you more
                                             of that in the near future.

                                            The teqhnicue here is simple: Look for reference photo
                                            (Yes, as an artist you should always do that, it is very helpful to
                                             see how the hair looks like in real life and then you can sort of
                                             go crazy and enjoy yourself in mixing and blending colours
                                             and see what works for you.)

                                            I personally think the mouth is one of the most difficult things to do
                                            becouse you have to consider how the anatomy changes in
                                           different face expressions, plus there is also the fact that
                                           all people does not have the same face shape.

                                           It is not just that men and women have different shapes but
                                           there is oval, round, long,heartshaped and..block I heard someone call it,
                                           which is when you`ve got a face that is sort of  square-shaped.

                                           By the way if you are an artist or simply want to learn how to
                                           draw better anatomy, I recommend looking at deviantart,
                                           here is one good tutorial


                                           Have a great weekend folks!:)


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