lørdag 26. april 2014
"HOT SUMMERDAY" -Prismacolour pencil drawing on Fabriano watercolour paper
Hey guys,
hope you had a great week!
This is the first time I have used Prismacolour Colour Pencils on Fabriano paper.
I recommend trying. I treated myself to some good paper at the art shop
KEM today, and I bought
Fabriano Classico 5,50% Cotton Watercolour Paper, 300 g
I really recommend it, it is smooth and good to work on.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, it is really important to have good
paper when ou drawing with colour pencils.
I would also like to mention the Torso art shop that has opened in Tollbugata-
I know many like myself have been very sad becouse the art shop Andvort is
closed. I stopped by the Torso art shop earlier this week, and they have got
some colour pencils there, like Derwent watercolour pencils.They also got some
sketching books and mixed media paper-but that wasn`t quite what I was looking
for. KEM is located in Brennerigata in Oslo, near the punk rock place Hausmania
and the bar Blå:)
They've got a good selection of art supplies
and a staff with much experience, so I recommend
taking the trip there if you want to stop by a good art shop when you're in Oslo.
Anyway, I was looking for Faber Castell Polychromos Pencils which they had
but it was a little pricy for me right now. I recommend looking online if you
decide that you want good,professional colour pencils, though-as many other
things they are often cheaper.
I also recommend looking on Instagram for colour pencil artists if you want
to get some inspiration-there are some truly amazing artist there like
ellis_willis, I think her name was-just search for colour pencil artists and you
will find it. I'm just called leticia haugen on Instagram, but I haven't gotten so
many pictures uploaded yet.
If you have a Instagram account and are a talented colour pencil artist, feel
free to leave me a comment and I will add you.;)
Great that you write about these two art stores in Oslo! I had them in mind, but I totally forgot to write about them as you mentioned(!!!) Fabriano have great products, I have paper and pencils from them, top quality! ;)
SvarSlettI could not agree more,Fabriano is the best.^^ More will follow...
SvarSlettDo you get Prismacolor pencils in these shops? where can you get those in Oslo...are you aware of costs?
SvarSlettHi Sharmilla!
SvarSlettUnforunately you can't buy Prismacolour from any art stores in Oslo.Only Polycolour and Faber Castell.
Engebretsen & Søn in Pilestredet have very good Polycolour pencils, which is good if your drawing style allows you to use a bit thick pencils. These costs about 400 crowns.
The Faber Castell set I found on KEM cost about 600-700 crowns.
However, I found this http://www.hobbykunst-norge.no/vaare-produkter/penner-tegneutstyr/tegne/prismacolor-verithin-36-stk-premier-colored-pencils
where you can buy Prismacolour pencils from a norwegian art store online,which I was not aware of until you asked me just now, so thank you;)
You can also purchase Prismacolour from Ebay or Amazon, which I did, but I highly recommend to see
more offers before making your purchase, as the first is not always the best.
You should also get a Prismacolour pencil sharpener, if you don't have one already, as normal sharpeners ruin your precious Prismacolour pencils and we do not want that. A Prismacolour sharpener cost about
69 crowns, also on http://www.hobbykunst-norge.no/